Tag / diversity
Be Mindful of Tokenism in Your Wedding Photography Portfolio
Representation is Important in Wedding Photography // If you haven’t done so already, read my previous post “Diversifying Your Wedding Photography Portfolio & Beyond” before going ahead with this article. Discerning tokenism in some situations can be tricky. So let’s start by looking at the core meaning. And for this, I am going to use…
The Importance of Equal Representation of Black People in the Wedding Industry
Diversity Matters in the Wedding Industry // Our industry has come under intense scrutiny in the past few weeks as being very white-washed. This is evident in the images shared across the board online on social media, vendor websites, mainstream wedding blogs, print magazines and the like. Furthermore, the sheer underrepresentation of Black people as…
How to Respond to Wedding Blogs Eagerly Seeking to Feature Black Weddings
Wedding Photographers & Wedding Blogs Showcasing Diversity // A photographer reached out to me on an Instagram comment after reading my recent post about the lack of diversity on wedding blogs, publications and feature accounts. She wanted to know how to respond when she is approached by a publication to submit a Black wedding to…
Lack of Diversity on Wedding Blogs & Feature Accounts
The Editorial Team of Wedding Blogs Need to Focus on Diversity // The underrepresentation of Black people on many mainstream wedding blogs, publications and feature accounts has been a persistent issue for many years. This article is particularly helpful for the editorial team of wedding blogs, publications and feature accounts. At the same time, I…
Educating the Wedding Industry on Diversity & Inclusion
Wedding Blogs & Wedding Photography Conferences on Represenation of Black People // In order to bring about real, lasting change in the wedding industry in regards to pushing for more diversity and inclusivity, fully acknowledging the issue is the first step in solving it. Not everybody truly understands what all the uproar is about. They…
Dear Wedding Industry, Black People Are NOT a Trend
Diversity & Inclusion is Important in the Wedding Industry // The lack of diversity and representation in the wedding industry as a whole of Black people and other minorities is evident. This topic is NOT new and it did NOT just come to light. It has been addressed on a number of occasions in the…